Monday, 26 February 2018

2017 Corruptions Index results: Australia slipping some more

Whilst another investigative journalist is reported to have been murdered,  the annual Corruption Perceptions Index results have been released.

This year’s Index highlights that the majority of countries are making little or no progress in ending corruption, while further analysis shows journalists and activists in corrupt countries risking their lives every day in an effort to speak out.

This year, the index found that more than two-thirds of countries score below 50, with an average score of 43. Unfortunately, compared to recent years, this poor performance is nothing new.

Since 2012, several countries significantly improved their index score, including Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal and the United Kingdom, while several countries declined, including Syria, Yemen and Australia.

For detailed results read:

"No activist or reporter should have to fear for their lives when speaking out against corruption. Given current crackdowns on both civil society and the media worldwide, we need to do more to protect those who speak up."
          Patricia Moreira Managing Director Transparency International

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